Freckles & Blush

 For this round (May) of Color Me Cute I have made a freckles & blush applier, for my store Babygirl I made it looking at the Alice Bento head as a reference, but I think it works for other toddleedoo (cutebytes) mesh heads. Included in the pack is also the tattoo layers for non mesh heads. The pack includes separate blush, freckles and both together, in dark, medium and light. The person in this picture with me is Darling Little Blogs. Event opens on the 15th of May. (Which is today!).  

*TD* Bento Mesh Head #Alice - Head (v.0.9.3)
3 - Body - BABY (ToddleeDoo)
Doe: Cricket (Bows) Solid - Blondes
{ Clair de Lune } - Love Circle Lenses Blue 
{ Clair de Lune } Lolita Roses Ribbon Dress Pink { B }
*Lambicorn* Shape


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